A little introduction: Normally websites have a vertical structure with a fixed width and a variable height which depends from the lenght of the content you have within the main layer:
The structure of an horizontal layout is a little bit different respect the previous one: it has a fixed height and a variable (or fixed) width, for example:
How you can do that? It's very simple: create a container layer like this:
...and define its layout using CSS code in the following way (choosing an appropriate width and height):
Now, within the layer #container, create some sections to add the content. You can use a simple
- list with some
elements like these:
- "maincontent">
>Box 1
>Box 2
>Box 3
>Box 4
>Box ...
Background with fixed position: If you want to add a background picture which doesn't scroll with the main content remember to use a fixed position attribute in your CSS code. For example, if you don't use position:fixed the result, scrolling horizontally the page, will be like this:
#maincontent li{
Animated scrolling: If you want to use an horizontal layout for your website you can add this nice feature to scroll automatically in horizontal your page in a specific position (take a look at this example). How you can see in the previous example, each link send the user to a specific section with a nice animated effect.
To implement this effect I suggest you to try Marco Rosella's Horizontal Tiny Scrolling a very useful script to implement animated horizontal scrolling effect. The only thing you have to do is to add this script in the tag of your page:
background:url(mybg.jpg) no-repeat fixed;
...and anchor tags into each
- "maincontent">
Add the following links to scroll the page to a specific position:
"#p1">Go to the section 1 |
"#p2">Go to the section 2 |
"#p3">Go to the section 3 |
"#p4">Go to the section 4 |
That's all! Download the source code ready to use in your web projects and take a look at this essential live preview:
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