18 Best Forum web design samples

One of the very high-trafficking global websites segments – is forums. Forums are a great place to find friends by interests, get and share any specific kind of information and simply communicate with other users. Forum design is a specific niche in a web design industry. I can describe this kind of web design like clean, minimalistic layout with maximum usability and minimalistic graphics. Let’s see some good samples of famous forums design templates.

1. MacHeist3

2. Designerstalk

3. Smashing Forum

4. Dezinerfolio

5. ExpressionEngine

6. YourDesignForums

7. MacLife

8. Typophile Forums

9. InsanelyMac

10. TalkFreelance

11. TeeFury

12. Emptees

13. Photoshop Lady Forums

14. Boagworld

15. Australian INfront Forums

16. Wiimote Project

17. DezinerStudio

18. designforums



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